Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Farmer's Market Farewell ... And Feast

My last supper; final cooking experience for friends; last trip to the Greenmarket in Union Square before heading back to the Country Mouse home for awhile. A lot of people want to spend their last few nights in New York City going out, checking out new restaurants, hitting up a museum or a show. Not me. I wanted to cook for my friends. It was magic - the way the whole evening progressed, the energy levels raised and exuded nothing short of pure compassion, enjoyment, intellect, conversation and a little bit of melancholy sadness as we said goodbye (for now). It was the quintessential living description of what My Karma Kitchen - Conscious Cooking - is in its philosophy and essence.

It started with an unguided trip to the Greenmarket; meandering around the maze of vendors, scoping out the delights that would compose the night's meal. I had no plan. I just knew i wanted fresh, local and crisp spring flavors. I picked up some nice looking sunflower greens, celery root and baby arugula. Maitake mushrooms from Madura Farm went into the sack for the cremini and maitake risotto. Next stop, Chelsea Market for a couple swordfish steaks.

The atmosphere that night was, well...my element and as a result, everyone found their element within as well. An apartment that houses international and transient New Yorkers, often interns here on contract; the social environment is generally devoid of too much livelihood. I was told the next day by my friend, that something magical happens when I come to cook...I, however, don't take credit for the magic; it's the process of cooking with intention - with your senses - as an experience - and for others that makes it a wonderland for all. By the end of the two hour process; prior to which, I still wasn't sure how or what exactly I was going to do; people had gathered; some wanted to help; some asked questions; others gathered at the table in conversation about interests and each other. It turned into a dinner party - a social - and it was beautiful. Thankfully, the food matched the energy in the room. What ended up was a very nicely composed dish that had elements of color, texture, height, and symmetry. The flavors were clean, simple and fresh. Nothing complicated or canned about it.

For me, it was magical to see the power that food has to bring people together. From Spain, London, Amsterdam, Indiana, Iowa, and Baltimore...we were all of one culture that night. It was a family of food lovers. Everyone interested in everyone's interests. Cheers to my friends for allowing me to come and cook - to do what I love one more time before leaving my city of magic. Cheers to the farmers markets in New York and to the hardworking farmers and vendors who make fresh, delicious meals like this possible. And Cheers to the food - to the fish, to the plants, to the soil, to the sun and to the rain. I felt more alive that night and it goes to show that you are what you eat. The food was natural. It was loved. It was respected and it was fresh from the farm.

As a side note...we sat on the rooftop later that evening just watching the city sky. I looked at the wall on one side of his building and spray painted in large black lettering was the line to a classic song - and quite appropriate as I close out my chapter in NYC for the time being.
"...And it's whispered that soon
If we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason..."

Led Zeppelin had some foresight perhaps - or maybe it's my slight obsession with the consciousness and local food movement - but, I truly believe that we are in the middle of a period of transformation and uncertainty. Food aside...as humanity, but also in relation to how we are forging ahead with the local food movement - we know that change is necessary and we are on the brink of a magical breakthrough. A raise in vibration and consciousness. Perhaps, we just need to stop, silence the noise, go back to our roots, and listen. If we listen and we actually hear...maybe we will recognize the piper when he calls...

So, for now...farewell New York. We listened to the flavorful, well-lived, hardened voice of Tom Waits that evening and now that I am one week removed from the city...I'm reminded of this lyric, "I'll ride this dream to the end of the line. I'm goin places; I'll take a ride. Up to the Riverside. I'll take NY....I want the moon and stars, but I'll take NY. I'll make it happen. Blow out the candles, tear off the wrappin'; And I know someday they'll have to name a street after me; right next door to old Franklin D."

Over and Out,
Nicole from New York

Farmer's Market Menu:
Pan Seared swordfish w/ White Wine Caper Sauce 
Maitake & Cremini Mushroom Risotto 
Baby Arugula & Sunflower Greens with Julienned Celery Root

served with Honey Herb Viniagrette

**Recipes will be on my website in due time :-)

1 comment:

  1. This dish looks delicious!
    You will be back in the city before you know it.
